Solar Energy Corporation Of India Limited Announced Selection Of Solar Power Developers For Setting Up Of 2000 MW Grid-Connected Solar PV Power Projects In India (Tranche-I) Under CPSU Scheme (Government Producer Scheme) Phase-II

Solar Power Developers (hereinafter referred to as SPDs) selected by SECI based on this RfS, shall set up Solar PV Projects on Build Own Operate (BOO) basis in accordance with the provisions of this RfS document.The maximum permissible limit for VGF is kept at Rs. 0.70 Crore/MW for projects, the actual VGF to be given…

NREL Unveils Look At Most Efficient Solar Modules

March 15, 2019 The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, which regularly publishes a chart of the world’s most efficient solar cells, has introduced a new chart of record-efficiency solar modules. The initial Champion Module Efficiencies chart contains 73 data points, dating to 1988, and broken out into 19 different technologies. The records range from an organic…

Selection Of Solar Power Developers For Setting Up Of 250 MW (50 MW X 5) Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Power Project At Dondaicha Solar Park (Phase – I), Dondaicha Dist.: Dhule, Maharashtra

Start Date : 17/08/2018 End Date : 05/04/2019 Ministry of Power (MoP) has issued “Guidelines for Tariff Based CompetitiveBidding Process for Procurement of Power from Grid Connected Solar PV PowerProjects” vide Gazette Resolution dated 03.08.2017. These Guidelines have beenissued under the provisions of Section 63 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for long termprocurement of electricity…

Selection of Solar Power Developers for Setting Up of 3gw ISTS Connected Solar PV Power Plant Linked with Setting Up of 1.5gw (Per Annum) Solar Manufacturing Plant Under Global Competitive Bidding (Phase-II)

Start Date: 30/01/2019 End Date: 04/04/2019 This has reference to the NIT No. SECI/C&P/RfS/1.5GW MANUFACTURING/P-2/012019 regarding the RfS for Selection of Solar Power Developers for Setting up of 3GW ISTS Connected Solar PV Power Plant linked with Setting up of 1.5GW (Per Annum) Solar Manufacturing Plant under Global Competitive Bidding (Phase-II). The detailed RfS document…

Tender For 20 Mw (Ac) Floating Solar PV Power Plant With 60 MWH Bess Including 10 Years Plant O&M At Union Territory, Lakshadweep, India

Start Date : 18/02/2019 | End Date : 01/04/2019 Owner: Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI), New Delhi, India Project: Deployment of SECI’s owned RE Projects at UT, Lakshadweep, India Tender title: Design, Engineering, Supply, Construction, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 20 MW (AC) Floating Solar PV Power Plant with 60 MWh BESS including…

The U.S. Trade And Development Agency (USTDA) And AEG International Ghana Partnership For Solar Energy

U.S. Ambassador to Ghana Stephanie S. Sullivan led an event today in Kpone to mark the new partnership between the Ghanaian company Strategic Security Systems International, and its subsidiary Strategic Power Solutions, with the U.S. Company AEG International. Their initial objective will be to provide solar energy to six dioceses of the Ghana Catholic Church.…

How Solar Is Powering The Middle East Towards Renewables

The United Arab Emirates wants two-thirds of its electricity to come from carbon-free sources by 2050. Think about energy generation in the Middle East and you probably think of oil. But in fact, the region is at the forefront of the race to decarbonize energy production. In March, production started at one of the region’s…

The World Will Add 70,000 Solar Panels Every Hour In The Next 5 Years

According to article published by Formative Content, “By 2022 the worlds renewable energy capacity overall should increase by 43%”. The amount of solar power capacity expected to be added in the coming years is equivalent to 70,000 new solar panels every hour – enough to cover 1,000 soccer pitches every day. It is estimated that…